bEGINNERS | yoga
Level 0-1
Steady beginner Yoga flows covering the basics, working with introductions to yoga posture alignment and techniques. We build the strength and flexibility to progress our practice with less tricky transitions.
Expect detailed instruction with lots modifications offered. Working with the breath throughout to calm the mind and connect to you.
vinyasa | yoga
Level 1-2
Dynamic, creative, flowing and energising sequences always breath led. Expect to equally develop strength and flexibility and connect to you, a transformational workout for body and mind.
An all levels class however, you will be encouraged to try more challenging asana with variations and modifications always offered.
Level 0
Desk yoga or chair yoga is a series of stretching and strengthening yoga postures that can purely be done seated or standing behind a chair. This session includes meditative and breath-work elements to calm and de-stress.
This session provides a perfect antidote to seating at a desk and occupational stress.
Level 0-1
This category is all about finding true release for the entire body and mind. Supported poses, held for longer, will help you feel completely restored and relaxed.
STRETCH + mobilise
Level 0-1
Classes are either focused on the full body or specific body areas. Stretch sessions promote sustainable flexibility in the body, as well as finding deep connection and stillness for the mind.
Mobility sessions work with the Functional Range Conditioning method to increase range of motion and performance, plus reduced tightness and risk of injury.
Poses are held for between 3-5 minutes and encourage us to dive deeper into ourselves and what comes up during these sessions.
Expect to develop sustainable flexibility as well as feeling calm and peaceful.
Level 0-1
Be guided through a wide variety of breath work techniques, to either reduce stress and anxiety quickly by down-regulating the parasympathetic nervous system, or energising our bodies and minds with up-regulating practices.
Level 0-1
We find deep connection, reduce stress and anxiety, clear the mind and come back to you through guided meditations.
Level 0-1
Mindfulness is a type of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you're sensing and feeling in the moment, with kindness.
Practicing mindfulness involves breathing techniques, guided imagery, and other practices to relax the body and mind and help reduce stress and anxiety, boost resilience, or find greater joy and wellbeing in their lives.
Level 0-1
Let the beautiful crystal bowl sound wave frequencies wash over to you, proven to alter brain waves, to soothe, sleep or refresh the mind as well as connecting into you, deepening meditation, and clearing the mind.
Level 1-3
Work with low impact, effective and controlled movement to create strong, long and lean muscles with increased flexibility.
Classes emphasise postural alignment, core strength and muscle balance. Workouts are full body or area specific and work with the breath throughout to connect.
Level 1-3
High intensity, but low-impact, these Functional Fitness sessions are going to strengthen, tone, stabilise, improve stamina, improve posture and aide mobility.
This category includes Body-Weight workouts- either area specific or full body, Weighted Cardio sessions- either full body or area specific, and also Mobility sessions.
Level 1
Gentle, flowing, breath-led Slow Flow Vinyasa sequences.
Move through calming sequences to connect into you, work into flexibility and find release. Lean into to flow, calm and peace whilst you gently develop strength.
Face yoga and facial massage are a series of facial exercises and massage techniques that are designed to improve the appearance of the skin.
The exercises are based on the principles of yoga; a mind- body practice and help to reduce wrinkles, improve skin elasticity, reduce stress, improve circulation, improve lymphatic drainage, and improve collagen production by stimulating the muscles of the face. A truly natural way to improve the reduce signs of ageing and boost confidence.
Our nutrition sessions focus on employee health and how eating the right nutrition can improve concentration and energy levels, keeping focus throughout the day. Here are a selection of topics we cover:
+ Nutrition and healthy eating for wellbeing
+ Nutrition for stress management
+ Women’s health, hormones and happiness
+ Men’s nutritional health and wellbeing
+ Nutrition and healthy ageing in the workplace